Curriculum Statement

 The Curriculum at Nanpean School 



At Nanpean Community Primary School (NCPS), we aim to provide a positive learning experience for every child, through an exciting and engaging curriculum which will inspire children, foster their independence and develop resilience. 

We believe that our children have the right to flourish, recognise their own greatness and continually develop as individuals, and feel that this will be achieved through delivering high quality teaching and learning which ensures children engage in a range of learning experiences which are challenging, relevant (to their lives) and meaningful.

Our ultimate aim is that this enriches the educational experiences of all children in our school to ensure that they are confident, happy and resilient learners who develop knowledge and skills as well as a lifelong love for learning, so that they have a better understanding of themselves and the complex world we live in.

 Our definition of “The Curriculum”


At Nanpean School, we define “The Curriculum” in the broadest sense of the word. To us, it is not simply the academic subjects on the school timetable, but the whole experience of education. In this sense, our curriculum comprises everything that our children do, see, hear or feel in our school, both planned and unplanned.