PE / Sport Premium Funding

Sport Premium Funding 

What is the School PE and Sports Premium Funding?

The Government provides funding directly to primary schools to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children. This funding is ring fenced and allocated directly to primary schools across England, providing them with a dedicated resource to buy in invaluable expertise and support. Funding is allocated through a lump sum for each school and a per-pupil top-up amount for each child aged 5-11. The premium can only be spent on improving sport and PE provision in schools, but schools have the freedom to choose how they do this.

Ways in which we use our sports premium at Nanpean

  • Working alongside specialist coaches from local teams and organisations to offer a wide range of activities and to support teaching across the school. 
  • Working alongside specialist coaches to provide extra-curricular activities. 
  • Ensuring our provision means all children benefit regardless of sporting ability.
  • Leading inter-school competitive fixtures and able and talented sports sessions for children across the local area.
  • Providing children with the opportunity to compete in cluster and county tournaments, including the Cornwall School Games.
  • Ensuring staff have access to resources and training opportunities, plus continued professional development (CPD) to improve the quality of teaching and learning in Physical Education (PE).
  • Promoting sporting activities and health and wellbeing initiatives through the curriculum, clubs and school visits.
Schools are accountable as to how the PE and Sport Premium Funding is utilised and are expected to use this funding to effectively improve provisions in PE and Sport. Our funding plans and reviews can be read below.