Personal Development at Nanpean School

Personal Development at Nanpean School


Personal Development is at the heart of our children’s learning as they progress through Nanpean School. It encourages, promotes and embeds a wide range of skills that allow our children to be active and responsible citizens, where they can make a difference and have an impact on themselves and others in the community. 

Our Personal Development Curriculum, alongside our school ethos and values, enables our children to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. As part of a whole-school approach, the Personal Development Curriculum at Nanpean School develops the qualities and attributes children need to thrive as individuals, family members and responsible citizens. 

As the children progress through the school, the Personal Development Curriculum enables them to manage many of the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face as they grow up in such rapidly changing and challenging times. 

Key to managing change is resilience. Our ethos, underpinned by our approach to learning, supports this.  An investigative approach to learning, where children are encouraged to learn through making mistakes, ensures that they regularly encounter opportunities to step out of their comfort zone. This approach, alongside positive praise and recognition, builds children’s independence, self-belief, and resilience, all of which are vital for good emotional health and wellbeing. 

This approach to Personal Development promotes effective relationships between all members of the school community. The promotion of pupils’ personal and social development underpins this. Our Personal Development Curriculum enables our children to build their personal identities, confidence and self-esteem and understand what influences their decisions. Through the development of their understanding of themselves, as well as empathy, they are able to form healthy and positive relationships. 

“Nanpean Community Primary School: Nurturing Children’s Passion to Succeed’.


NCPS vision:


A place where every child feels safe

A place where every person is valued and respected

A place where all efforts and achievements are celebrated

A place where we encourage everyone to make healthy life choices

A place where everyone is encouraged to make a positive contribution

A place where we uphold co-operative values.


Our FAB Curriculum:

Fosters links between learning and the community and local area We want our children to have a sense of pride in their local area and an awareness of what has been, and is now, available in their local area. We want this to be the basis for them understanding that the world is beyond their immediate doorstep. Our Curriculum also develops children’s understanding of working collaboratively so that they can contribute to the sustainability of the local area and the wider world.

is Aspirational through immersing children in knowledge and experience of Careers for their future We want our children to be curious about opportunities available to them in their future, so that this ‘opens doors’ to a future that they may not know exists. The aim is for children to be excited, engaged and motivated to achieve their highest potential, through having high aspirations of themselves and their future.


Builds and promotes a lifelong love of learning through the application of knowledge and skills, so that they are ready for the next steps of their education and life We want our children to build sufficient knowledge and skills during their primary education so that they are equipped for the next step of their education and life in general.



PSHE is Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education. As well as Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE), other aspects of PSHE include:

Wider Safety – including minimising common risks such as road safety, medicines and strangers.

Economic - choices about money, how to keep it safe and saving.

Technology and media – different forms of media, their impact, reliability of content and risks involved in sharing content. Online Safety also forms part of our Computing Curriculum.

The ‘Lifewise’ scheme is used to explicitly teach PSHE at Nanpean School. This includes the following themes: Health and Wellbeing; Relationships; Living in the Wider World; RSHE; and British Values.

Further information can be seen about PSHE / RSHE and relevant coverage on the Curriculum page related to this subject. 



Nanpean School is centred around an ethos of positive, respectful and healthy relationships that demonstrate mutual respect. Relationships are integral to a variety of policies, including Safeguarding / Child Protection Policies, Behaviour Policies, as an example. We have a trauma informed approach with trained practitioners able to support children. We intend to use the very best resources to support the learning of Relationship & Sex Education. The resources which the school use are taken from LifeWise, and are sometimes supplemented by Brooke and Christopher Winter resources.

Further information can be seen about PSHE / RSHE and relevant coverage on the Curriculum page related to this subject.

Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing


Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing Education forms part of our PSHE and RSHE Curriculum,

Children are taught explicitly through PSHE lessons, using ‘Lifewise’ as a resource, as well as complemented through assemblies and through class discussion.

Further information can be seen about PSHE / RSHE and relevant coverage on the Curriculum page related to this subject.




Spiritual: Faiths and values are not only taught explicitly in RE, but also celebrated, when appropriate, in assemblies and through the cultural diversity within each classroom due to relevant staff knowledge of the children. Imagination and creativity is celebrated and children have the opportunity to appreciate the natural world we live in, developing awe and wonder through the extensive outside environment in linking with other areas of the curriculum. Children are encouraged to be reflective, including about their learning, themselves as characters, their peers, and of course, their place in the community. We develop children so they are knowledgeable in respect of different people’s faiths, feelings and values, and encourage children to be reflective and respectful.


Moral: Children are frequently encouraged to talk about moral and ethical issues and to respect and try to understand the viewpoints of others. Through our school ethos alongside relevant policies, there is an understanding of right and wrong, that all humans make mistakes but that these can become learning points. We ensure that the children are aware that honesty, integrity and doing the right thing is critical, as well as learning from our experiences. All staff are involved in supporting children showing challenging behaviours, and support children in understanding their own emotions and behaviour shown as a result. Children know that there are consequences for their (inappropriate) actions and behaviours. There is a continual focus on reflections to improve behaviour and providing support in getting it right in the future, as opposed to a focus on endless sanctions.


Social: Children and staff are always encouraged to work and learn as a team and community of learners, using others as a basis for influence to improve their own performance. An understanding of how to be emotionally intelligent, to cooperate and communicate effectively is taught, modelled and then expected when socialising with others regardless of their religious, ethnic or socio-economic background. Nanpean School works closely with the MHST to support groups of children to develop their social skills and understanding. An example of this is how various year groups have taken part in decider skills sessions or transition sessions throughout the academic year. At Nanpean School we actively engage with British Values and Protected Characteristics so that children are able to engage with, and contribute positively to, society and life in modern Britain.


Cultural: The NCPS community are aware of the lack of cultural diversity within the county, but also celebrate Cornish culture and how this shapes us, including: festivals, traditions and deep history. Staff present positively and are knowledgeable about a range of culturally religious, ethnic and socio-economic communities, and can recognise and value things we may have in common with other cultural, religious, ethnic and socio-economic communities. NCPS give opportunities to participate and respond to different cultural events, including those that are artistic, musical, sporting and cultural.




The ethos of the school is to celebrate when children achieve great things: whether these be small steps or great feats with the awareness that the scale of these achievements are different for different individuals. It is clear from this ethos that success and achievements comes as a result of hard work: continual effort, determination and resilience.


Progress leading to achievement is celebrated, rather than solely a focus on attainment, due to children’s different starting points meaning success can be measured in a variety of ways and on differing scales. Due to the opportunities given to our children, these successes could be in the classroom, in sport, in the creative arts or socially: there are many ways to excel and there is an ethos of being the best that the children, and staff, can be. Children are recognised for following our school behaviour rules (To show good manners at all times; To care for everyone and everything; To follow instructions with thought and care;) or through various other awards that are presented each week.


Children’s positive character is highlighted in our weekly (on a Friday) ‘Celebration of Achievement Assembly’, through various awards given during this time, including the ‘Citizenship Award’, Class ‘Star of the Week’, ‘Sports Star Award’, ‘Busy Bees’, ‘Attendance Awards’, as well as a variety of certificates given for academic progress.  


All staff are responsible for ensuring that high expectations are evident and consistent in all areas of the school at all times. 


Children are sensible and disciplined in their movement around the school, and are able to respond quickly to instructional signals. 


Children, through our PE lessons (based on ‘The PE Hub’), structured activities available at playtimes, as well as curriculum enrichment opportunities, work towards developing their character in the following areas: personal, social, creative, cognitive, applying physical skills and an awareness of health and fitness.


Children are encouraged to show pride in their own personal appearance, how the classroom looks and general tidiness, how others are spoken to, whether that be other children or adults, as well as in their presentation of learning in their work / books. There is a consistent promotion of pride in belonging to the school community.


Leadership is also developed at every opportunity. In all classrooms, children have roles that contribute to their class running smoothly, such as Classroom Monitors for various things, and children are given opportunities to represent their ‘Class Council’ during ‘School Council’ meetings. As children progress into Key Stage 2, they are also given opportunities to be lunchtime monitors, in the hall and office(s), whereby they are available to support other (often younger) children.


British Values


The Department for Education (DfE) state that there is a need ‘to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the Fundamental British Values (FBV) of Democracy, the Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Tolerance and Mutual Respect. The Government set its definition of British Values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy and these values are regularly reinforced by the Prime Minister. At Nanpean School, these values are reinforced regularly, including most weeks during our Assemblies.


The 5 aspects of British Values are part of our ethos, explicitly taught in assemblies, appropriate links made during relevant curriculum subject opportunities (these can be seen on Curriculum overview documents), and modelled in our relationships and processes. Children are encouraged to discuss the importance of each aspect, various / relevant links between the aspects, and why each aspect is important.


  •        Democracy

-         Democracy is embedded at Nanpean School, including when voting in our School Council meetings and actively taking part in pupil votes for School Council initiatives.

-         Children are listened to by adults and taught to listen carefully to others, respecting their rights to be heard and viewpoints.

-         Governance and Monarchy are threads through our History Curriculum, which regularly unpicks the meaning of democracy, how it started and periods in time, or countries, which are not governed by democracy.

  •        Rules of law

-         The three school rules (To show good manners at all times; To care for everyone and everything; To follow instructions with thought and care;) are well established, known by children and staff, and referred to constantly.

-         Children understand that we have rules to keep us safe and happy.

-         Children relate our school rules to the law and understand that we have laws to keep us safe.

  •        Individual Liberty

-         Children understand that because of the sensible nature of law making (i.e. to keep us safe) we have the freedom to make our own choices.

-         As long as we respect the rights of others, then we are free to pursue our ambitions, free from limitation and discrimination.

-         In the UK our Human Rights are protected by law.

-         At Nanpean School, we believe that by encouraging and celebrating self-esteem, self-awareness and self-confidence, children are able to make their own decisions and stand up for what they believe in. This is also part of the teaching of our PSHE Curriculum.

  •        Tolerance

-         Our school rules link to consideration, care and general respect for others, thus including those from different faiths or who have different beliefs. This also links to relevant study in our RE and PSHE Curriculums.

-         Beliefs, traditions and customs (of different cultures and religions) are studied, with visits conducted or visitors into school provided, to extend our community.

-         Through tolerance, children gain an understanding of their place in society.

  •        Mutual Respect

-         Children at NCPS have the understanding that mutual respect is understanding that we do not all share the same beliefs and values.

-         Society needs to repeat the values and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own in order to live in a civilised world.

-         For our children in their immediate context, it is about supporting a football or sports club of their choice, or liking particular music, and ensuring that a lack of respect is appropriately challenged.

-         In the wider context, staff are aware of the largely monocultural catchment of Nanpean School and of challenging stereotypes, ensuring that correct information is learnt and exposure to diversity across the curriculum is crucial to our children’s lives.  


Inclusion and Equal Opportunities at NCPS


Children at Nanpean School are taught to understand that no one should be treated differently or less favourably because they belong to a specific group or have a specific need. It is also discussed that it may appear that some groups of children are treated unfairly, but children with different needs may need different levels of support.


Nanpean School have an Equality Policy which supports the development and understanding of inclusion across the school.

The 9 Protected Characteristics are introduced explicitly through assemblies and relevant links within the wider curriculum. This also has clear links with our English Curriculum (in particular through the Reading Spine of Reading Texts) to ensure that groups with the Protected Characteristics are celebrated and represented. The 9 Protected Characteristics can be seen on the poster below. The Equality Policy and Action Plan is key to understanding inclusion across the school and can be seen in the Key Policies section of our website.

There is a strong team of staff, led by the SENDCo, that support SEND children at Nanpean School. Adaptations are made to ensure all children can access the curriculum and wider opportunities through:

- Curriculum Adaptations

- Advice from specialist / external agencies is sought to provide appropriate support to children, where necessary

- Inclusion in opportunities available to all children

- Risk assessments to ensure safe inclusion in off site visits, developed in partnership with families, when necessary. 


Staff have appropriate training opportunities (continued professional development) to develop the school’s inclusive ethos and approach to positively impact all children.


Wider Opportunities at Nanpean School


At Nanpean School, it is our ambition to ensure our children have a wide range of opportunities to enrich the curriculum, develop their aspirations and engage children in opportunities beyond their typical lived experience.


Each term, there is an opportunity for classes to go on an educational visit or have an educational visitor visit them in class, as part of our FAB Curriculum. We invite individuals from the World of Work to talk about their job / career with the children, and this takes place on the ‘Aspirations afternoon’ that we have each term.


We offer a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities (‘clubs’) ranging from EYFS to Year 6. These include sports, creative arts, and other areas such as Times Table Rock Stars. We also participate (at least fortnightly) in sports fixtures and events. Some of these are organised by our Headteacher for the schools in the local area and others are organised by Brannel as our local secondary school on the pathway to the Cornwall School Games. 


Our annual residential visits (often referred to as ‘school camp’) alternate between London and an activity centre in Cornwall or Devon, and these give children opportunities to grow and learn things about themselves that they never knew before! 


Children at NCPS are invited to take part in SongFest each year, performing at the Hall for Cornwall. There are also TPAT (Multi Academy Trust) and Cluster (Brannel area) projects that the school is involved in. Children in each class have an opportunity to take part in a production each academic year. EYFS and KS1 are involved in a Christmas Nativity, and our Key Stage 2 Classes showcase in relation to Harvest or Easter.  


We also take part in opportunities offered through local businesses, for example, when these are relevant to enhance children’s learning across the Curriculum. An example of this is the local farm visit through the ‘Farm to fork’ initiative, as agriculture is a large part of the locality. 


Citizenship at Nanpean School


Our ethos is constantly referred to in classrooms, assemblies and in newsletters to show the importance of everyone contributing to our community. Children know that each member of the team is special and valuable. In relevant Curriculum subjects (such as History, Geography and RE) the importance of being a citizen in society is learned. Through this, there is a common understanding of why schools and society need rules - to make people feel safe and happy (see British Values - Rule of Law). Being part of a democracy (link to British Values) is a crucial part of being a British Citizen.


There is also an understanding shared within the community, not only in Nanpean but nationally, that people belong to different ethnic or religious groups and may have views and beliefs which may not be aligned to ours. Embracing positive aspects of a range of backgrounds can only enhance our own community and give us the opportunity to learn more. Being in a largely monocultural community, staff are aware to present children with many opportunities to discuss different identities within a community and inspire curiosity to find out more. 


Contributing as a citizen is explicitly referenced to throughout the year, for example through Harvest Festival, Comic Relief and Children in Need, as well as taking part in local community events (such as wreath laying and carol singing). Children participate in fundraising opportunities and learn of the positive impact they can have on their local community and the wider national and global community.


The school and wider community contribute to the Christmas and Summer Fayre by organising stands to raise money. Local businesses are engaged to support the school, developing sense of community and citizenship, and donate prizes for the Fayre or for events such as Bingo which is organised annually for the community. 


Our School Council are part of the Smart School Council Community (SSCC) and have an impact on the school. They meet with the Headteacher weekly and this develops and deepens children’s understanding of the Fundamental British Values, and children can see evidence of these in action as their suggestions help change and improve the school.