
We are proud to share that in September 2022, Nanpean CP was awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark.  This achievement is valid until 2025 and our commitment to improving our Science curriculum offer remains strong and constant.  Read on to find our more about the developments in Science at Nanpean School.
NCPS Science Vision:
We will investigate big questions with curiosity in science to develop our understanding of the world around us.

We have designed our curriculum with curiosity at the core of all scientific learning.  An important aspect of science is the development of an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science by:


•  sharing ideas and asking questions
•  planning investigations
•  making and recording observations
•  drawing conclusions and evaluating practical work


It is our intention to facilitate opportunities for our children to develop these skills in science and think like a ScientistFrom the early years through to end of key stage 2, children are encouraged to investigate big questions with curiosity, helping them to develop their understanding of the world around them.  Children are challenged and supported to experience science by working scientifically to plan, investigate and evaluate practical experiments. 

At NCPS, we believe strongly that fostering a sense of curiosity in children should reach beyond the curriculum taught.  We seek opportunities to promote the careers that come from solid scientific understanding.  By highlighting job roles, we feel science feels more real and relevant both to the world the children find themselves in now as well as thinking ahead to the future.


The curriculum is led and overseen by our Headteacher.  The Head works closely with all subject leaders and enables the Science Curriculum Leader to monitor, evaluate and review science teaching and learning regularly.  This cycle of appraisal celebrates and shares good practice within the school helping teaching staff to feel confident and supported to teach science to a high standard.  The National Curriculum 2014 and the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework 2017 provide the basis for our science curriculum, which is then tailored to meet the learning and development needs of the children in our school.  NCPS are proud of their Cornish identity and science lessons reflect this by planned opportunities to seek local expertise and resources.


The teaching, learning and sequencing of science has been agreed collectively with staff.  This approach has been implemented to ensure coverage and progression in all subject areas.  We regular review our curriculum.  Please click on the overview below to see our latest Science Curriculum Overview.  The Science Subject Leader is currently consulting with staff regarding the overview for September 2022.  This review includes considering the Big Concepts of Science and how these impact on the teaching sequence at NCPS.  


The impact of our curriculum design is that science is a high profile subject throughout the school.  Children are enthusiastic, motivated scientific learners with a strong sense of curiosity and resilience.  Children from NCPS will feel equipped to move onto key stage 3 with a solid awareness of STEM related career opportunities and the skills needed to succeed.



* NCPS deliver a knowledge-engaged curriculum.  The above science subject vision reflects the three key points (FAB) outlined below:

•  Fosters links between learning and the community and local area;
•  is Aspirational through immersing children in knowledge and experience of Careers for their future;
•  Builds and promotes a lifelong love of learning through the application of knowledge and skills, so that they are ready for the next steps of their education and life.


Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Science survey.  Weekly supervision of this link has now closed and NCPS now has an agreed vision for Science created from collective input involving our pupils, parents/carers, staff, Governors and local experts.
If you have ideas or additional input that will add value to the quality of our Science curriculum and the experiences we offer the children and families at NCPS, then our Science Lead (Mrs Jago) would welcome hearing from you:
What is Science Capital?  And why does it matter?
This animation explains the compelling concept originally developed by King’s Professor Louise Archer and her team.  Watch the video to learn more. 

(Please note, NCPS do not own this video.)

Nanpean CP School Awarded Primary Science Quality Mark

Nanpean CP is 1 of 400 schools to be awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark this month.   Achievement of the PSQM celebrates a commitment to excellence in science teaching and learning.  So far, since its national launch in 2010, over 5000 schools across the UK have achieved a prestigious Primary Science Quality Mark.  

The PSQM is a one-year school improvement programme for primary science, which provides professional development for new and experienced subject leaders each year. It enables confident, knowledgeable, reflective leadership which results in an improvement in the way in which science is planned and taught across the whole school.

The Primary Science Quality Mark is led by the University of Hertfordshire in collaboration with the Primary Science Teaching Trust.

Associate Professor Jane Turner, PSQM National Director said: “There was never a more important time for primary children to have a high-quality science education. The coronavirus pandemic and climate change crisis have made everyone aware of the importance of science in our world.  Primary schools have an important role to ensure that children understand how science works and keeps us and our planet healthy and safe. Schools that have achieved a Primary Science Quality Mark have demonstrated a significant commitment to science teaching and learning. The profile and quality of science in each awarded school is very high. Children are engaging with great science both in and outside the classroom, developing positive attitudes towards science as well as secure scientific understanding and skills. Science subject leaders, their colleagues, head teachers, children, parents, and governors should be very proud.”